
柯達5219/500T 135 彩色 電影卷/燈光彩負 膠卷片 分裝 ECN2沖掃

  • 品牌:Kodak/柯达
  • 产品类型:彩色负片
  • 胶卷规格:135mm
  • 感光度:400以上


KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219. 135.

品牌Kodak 柯達
感光度 ISO          500






已暗盒分裝好,與 正常 135 彩負 一樣使用.

本店所有電影盤片由美國荷裡活直接取貨,每盤均親測檢 2-3 卷,確保使用正常.

本卷為 燈光卷. T卷. 正常日光環境下色溫偏冷. 室內燈光源環境下色溫正常. 

個人覺得 T卷 偏冷的效果非常贊的~  




本品為電影負片,請使用 ECN-2 工藝沖洗 【本店電影卷回送來沖掃享沖掃  優惠

ECN-2 沖掃 鏈接:





Kodak 500T/5219 為Kodak在產電影卷中級別最高,ISO 最高的電影負片.

特點是在 500 高 ISO 下仍擁有 -6EV到+8EV的15檔 高寬容度. 同時亦是比較少有的燈光型負片.











Welcome to the next step in the evolution of motion picture film: KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219/7219. The first in a new family of films, VISION3 500T Film gives you more control and flexibility at every phase of the filmmaking process—from capture through post, in both digital and traditional workflows. VISION3 500T Film retains the overall look and image structure you’ve come to love in KODAK VISION2 Films—then adds a host of improvements. Our proprietary advanced Dye Layering Technology (DLT) gives you noticeably reduced grain in shadows, so you can push the boundaries of exposure further and still get excellent results. And when scanning low-light scenes, VISION3 500T Film yields higher signal-to-noise ratios for unprecedented image quality. What’s more, VISION3 500T Film’s extended highlight latitude gives you greater flexibility when lighting extreme situations, and lets you pull even more detail out of highlights. Whether you’re behind the camera or in the postproduction suite, you can bring your project to life as never before. KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film. Your vision is continually evolving. Ours is, too.





Our proprietary advanced Dye Layering Technology (DLT) gives you noticeably reduced grain in shadows, so you can push the boundaries of exposure further and still get excellent results. And when scanning low-light scenes, VISION3 500T Film yields higher signal-to-noise ratios for unprecedented image quality. What’s more, VISION3 500T Film’s extended highlight latitude gives you greater flexibility when lighting extreme situations, and lets you pull even more detail out of highlights.




Ordering Information2
FormatLengthInfoCatalog #
16mm100Spool(咨询特价) *
16mm400Core(咨询特价) **
16mm400Spool(咨询特价) ***
Super 850Cartridge(咨询特价)
2All options may not be listed and are all subject to specific country availability. Content is subject to change without notice. Contact your local sales representative for more details.
*Perforated One Edge
**Perforated One Edge
***20 Rolls -Perforated Two Edges




Suggested Filters3
Suggested Filter for Color Balance for Daylight Use85
Suggested Neutral Density Filter.9
3  Suggested Neutral Density Filters are general suggestions for each film used in a "daylight" situation to help avoid overexposure of high-speed films and to support lens performance. All filters are not created the same, and you should be aware of its individual performance properties before using them. 









淘寶圖片精度有限. 樣片衹供參考.

圖片版權歸原作者所有. All rights reserved by the author. 




